Token Economics
Token Symbol and Contract Token Symbol:
$CATLY Token Contract Address:
BSC (Binance Smart Chain)
CATLY has a total supply of 2,100,000,000 tokens. According to the allocation plan: Presale&Rewards 70% (1,470,000,000), Exchanges 15% (315,000,000), Marketing 10% (210,000,000), Ecosystem Fund 5% (105,000,000)
During CATLY's buy/sell transactions, there is an 7% transaction tax. This 7% tax is allocated as follows: 5% for holders' dividends,1% automatically added to the liquidity pool to ensure liquidity, and 1% burned to reduce the total supply.
CATLY holders will benefit from the dividend distribution mechanism, receiving an additional dividend of 5% from the transaction tax. Such incentive measures encourage holders to actively participate and support the development of the CATLY ecosystem.
We have chosen Binance Smart Chain as the network for CATLY token, providing efficient transaction speed and low transaction costs. It is also connected with the Binance ecosystem and numerous DeFi applications, offering more opportunities and growth potential for CATLY's development.
Last updated